I have decided to turn this into more of a health diary than an exercise blog, maybe because I am not exercising regularly enough! I'm actually cool with that, my life is jam packed at the moment and exercise often takes third place behind family & work....sometimes takes 4th place behind enjoying myself!
I am back on a health kick at the moment and am enjoying it so I am going to start logging what I eat. I am basing myself off the Primal Blueprint. Paleo base, a bit of dairy here and there, alcohol stays in, not that I drink that much anyway.
Zucchini Slice - 2nd time I have made this, used Italian sausage meat this time and it's nice but too rich, will go back to good ol' beef mince next time. Loving this for brekky!
1 x strong latte
'Big Ass Salad' - Chicken, cap, mush, cuc, pine nuts, mixed lett, carr, Fetta and olive oil - Yum!
1 x strong latte
Diamond seminar
2 x Light beers
3 x Waygu on little bread things, not ideal but best on offer
Home made rissoles
Planned exercise
I love Schwartz programming, it kicks arse! Workouts at home will roughly be adapted from Schwartz WOD's.
Next WOD up is
5 rds @30kg (rx'd 40kg)
15 x OHS
15 x Push Press
15 x Thruster
500m run (rx'd row)
Cant get it done tonight as I am at a diamond seminar, but hopefully tomorrow night. I love OHS, Push press so so and i hate thrusters, so there is a bit of everything