Friday, February 25, 2011

Proposed workout

5 x 5 front squats @65kg
10 x HSPU in btwn


15 min AMRAP
10 pistols
10 Box Jumps
10 x Pullups

24/2 Thurs - 8pm class

OHS @42.5kg



AMRAP 8 min
8 x cleans @42.5kg
6 x Jerks @42.5kg

3 rds + 8 cleans + 1 Jerk

Muscle up practice

Friday, February 18, 2011

18/2 Frid - Backyard session

5 rds
10 x HSPU
20 x Abmat

3 rds
10 x Hang clean & jerk@40kg
10 x Kb swing@24kg
10 x C2B


17/2 Thuirs - 8pm class

15 x 20kg
15 x 30kg
15 x 40kg
15 x 50kg
6 x 62.5

3 x 3 @70kg *pb

AMRAP 20 mins
10 x Back squat @55kg
20 x GHD
60 x Double unders

4 rds + 5 Back squats

Notes: Really happy with OHS, back squats were unbroken but still don't feel great.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

14/2 Mond _ 8pm class

Front squats
5 x 10@50kg
Max HSPU in btwn (16 max)

Box Jumps

Time: not sure around 26 mins I think

Notes: Great session, suddenly realized that over the past couple of months I have fallen in the trap of worrying to much about numbers and progress and not enough about relaxing and enjoying crossfit. I am going to ease up on the pressure on myself and just let things happen.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

11/2 Frid - ROY

Was supposed to do this last night , before I did it I made this comment

"I have been working on deadlifts and should cream them @70kg if I perform like I think I should."

Bwahhhahhah! Aaron you are turning into comedian, deadlifts sucked as usual

ROY - scaled
5 rds
15 x Deadlifts @70kg
20 x Box Jumps
25 x Pullups

Time : around 30 mins

Notes: 1st rd of deadlifts unbroken, then they sucked a*se. My lack of regular exercise over dec/jan found me out as I really struggled with the 125 pullups, which in turn made the deadlifts a nigthmare. Oh well, just gotta keep working.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

10/2 Thurs proposed workout

Can't make it to the gym, Benji has given me this to do

ROY - scaled
5 rounds
15 x Deadlifts @70kg
20 x Box jumps
25 x Pullups

I have been working on deadlifts and should cream them @70kg if I perform like I think I should.

9/2 Wednesday

Rest day --- DUH!

Also got a jab in my shoulder , hopefully it helps

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

8/2 Tues - Backyard

Front squat
3 x 3

Press 8rm
8 x 40kg
4 x 45kg
3 x 45kg

3 x 3
3, f-2

Cut the session short as my body has been smashed over the last couple of days. Pressing was laughable due to shoulder fatigue. Cleans felt awful, just nothing to give. A couple of days rest and back to business

7/2 Mond - 8pm class

4 rds
15 x HSPU
12 x C2B

50 wall ball@20lb
10 Muscleups
40 Wall balls
8 MU
30 Wall ball
6 MU
20 Wall ball
4 MU
10 Wall ball
2 MU

Time: Not sure , about 25 mins


3 rds 40kg sled pull up and back & 10 burpees

Notes: Tonight absolutely smashed me, one of the worst I have felt during/after class. Was dangerous driving home

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sund 6/2

Friday workout cancelled due to Backyard gym flooded

Front squats
2 x 10@20kg
Push jerks
2 x 7@20kg

Clean & Jerk 5x5
5 x 30kg
5 x 40kg
5 x 50kg * shoulder pain, so stopped and did 5 x 5 Cleans only

Cleans 5 x 5

5 min break

Power Cleans@50kg & T2B

Time 16.02

Notes: One of the hardest I have pushed myself at home on my own. Woken up sore but feel good. Shoulder driving me crazy.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Proposed workouts

Big weekend ahead!


15 x Pushups
12 x Pullups

Amrap 20 mins
3 Muscleups
20 Double Unders

5 x 5 Clean & Jerk - same weight

Power Clean & Toes 2 Bar

4/3 - Thurs - 8pm Class


4 rds
5 x Snatch @40kg
10 x C2B
20 x Wall Ball@20lb
40 x Double unders

Time: not sure around 25 mins

Notes: My body and particularly legs are taking an absolute pounding. A couple of painful weeks and hopefully i will be back in business. Shoulder sore again :(

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1/2 More squats

Backyard...effin' sore

Front Squats
5 x 5 @60kg
10 x C2B in btwn

Back squat 8rm
8 x 70kg
3 x 80kg
3 x 80kg

10 x K2e in btwn

Notes: Back squats still don't feel right, feel weak and awkward, while Front squats and OHS feel strong. Admittedly I didn't have much in me after cleans night before and front squats.

31/1 Mond - 8pm class

Ouch! 1st class back, Benji not happy about my irregular attendance!

Group 2 class

10 Squat cleans @50kg
50 Double under
8 Squat cleans
40 DU
6 Squat cleans
30 DU
4 Squats cleans
20 DU
2 Squats cleans
10 DU
50 wall balls @20lb


Push jerk practice

Shoulder feels good!