Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Schwartz Crossfit Challenge

My goodness where do I Start! Maybe with the workouts

30 deadlifts @80kg (scaled from 100kg)
run (block)
30 Clean & jerks @40kg (scaled from 50kg)

Time 13.50

Struggled with the deadlifts, Der! I think everyone in my heat had left for the run when I was on rep 20. I knew it was going to be a long day in the office when that happened. After what seemed life forever i got them done and wobbled out for the run. Great to see my wife and 3 boys cheering me on at the bottom of the stairs. Back in for the cleans and I desperately wanted to finish before the cutoff and in the end made it. Mixed emotions after this workout.

2 mins max DU
2 mins max burpees
2 mins max rowing for distance

Cant remember what I got for them . I think 66 DU, 20 burpees? and 470m rowing

Was hoping for Muscleups or HSPU but wasn't to be. Legs and energy were fried from the 1st workout but was reasonably happy with how I went, pushed hard in the end

25 pullups
25 thrusters @35kg(scaled from 40kg)
25 KB swings 16kg (scaled from 24kg)
25 wall ball20lb
25 box jumps
25 pullups
wall to wall lunges with 20kg overhead

Time 12.50 ( I think)

Notes: Seriously depressed and worried when I saw this workout, but got a bit of my mojo back by the time the workout came around. In hindsight may have been able to do it rx'd in the time limit but who knows. I was delerious by the end of this and had nothing left.

What a day, although I had mixed emotions of disappointment and frustration (and exhaustion) during the day, once it finished those emotions turned to happiness. I really had a great time and am very proud of myself for entering something like this for the first time. Would have been much easier to sit on the side lines and talk about how good my muscleups are. When i came to Schwartz almost 6 months ago to the day I decided that I would become fitter , turns out I have become a better person, braver, mentally stronger and happier than I was before I started.

Special thanks to Bjorn for a great effort in supporting e and encouraging me during the workouts, god knows I needed it.

Looking forward to getting stronger!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your first of many Crossfit Competitions!

    We are all so proud of the progress you have made and the effort you gave last sunday. How fantastic to have your wife and kids watching on as you went to war with 3 epic WOD's...great inspiration for your little firebreathers!
    Keep up the great work, see you in the gym!
    Amy & Bjorn
