Tuesday, April 30, 2013

3.4km run

crazy sore from last session, shoulder sore but hopefully ok

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Session 18

awesome session!

Bar muscleups, got my first one ever and then finished off with 3 in a row..cool!

Ring complex
lsit muscleup to basket to back lever

ring headstand practice

shoulder is sore from an almost missed bar muscleup , hopefully it will be ok tomorrow

Friday, April 26, 2013

Handstand practice (not great)

3 x 5 Ring dips - first time doing these for ages because of shoulder, pulled up well afterwards
3 x 5 strict pullups

lsit to straddle practice
lsit to tuck planche practice

Started mobility routine

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Handstand practice

pb 15.2sec

Pushups complex

lots of handstand practice


TGU (each side)
2 @ 24kg
3 @28kg
2 @32kg

3 strict pullups in between

12 sec handstand ...goal 60sec

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Session 17

back spasms during the week meant no extra practice :(

Great session today

4 rds
V-snaps/back ext

4 rds
press to HS
3 Pike/3 planche/3HSPU/20 sec hold

Press to HS and lowering back down
*finally did these unassisted!! legs not perfectly straight but great nonetheless, was able to come all the way down as well!

Back lever
1st time trying these since hurting my shoulder, felt good, hopefully shoulder pulls up ok!!

another good session

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Session 16

like with everything sometimes you feel like you are making zero progress and other times you feel like you progressing in leaps and bounds. Today was one of those good classes. Another trainer even asked me how much i practice at home he was so impressed by my L-sit to tuck planche...noice!

Because we seem to do different but related things every session, once again I can hardly remeber what we did but it was a good, hard class

leg lifts against poll, front and back - hard!

press to handstand , 3 pike lowering, 3 planche , forward roll
Pretty happy with that

3 rds
Parralletes - lsit to tuck planche x 3
rings - lsit, vertical, basket and rollout

handstand walking- walked 4 metres unassisted, nice and controlled!

great session

Friday, April 5, 2013

session 15

can hardly remember what i did but another good session

Stretching was painful but improving slowly

3 rds
strict ring pullups x 4
strict muscleup
strict ring dips x 4

ring headstan practice (i'm crap at this)

Handstand holds 45 sec

assisted handstand pushups

handstand walking