Wednesday, April 22, 2015

session 103

so wrecked going in it wasnt funny, so just happy to get through today

planche leans from handstand
front lever to back lever x 3 with 4 lever swings
pbar straddle planche to l sit
lsit to headstand and back on p bars
press to handstand straddle off pipe

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Home program 1

got a 2 day a week program from Marty, should have done this ages ago

it was bloody hard

stretching routine

5 v snaps/10rocks/15 sec hold
5 superman lifts/10 rocks/15sec hold
5 side lifts/10 rocks/15 sec hold - left
5 side lifts/10 rocks/15 sec hold - right

1 min wall handstand from wall walk
top half press off dumbells 3 x 5
press to handstand off plates 3 x 3
scorpian kicks to mat x 5
handstand attemtpts x 5 total 70 sec
handstand blocks - 100 total

A frame pushups 3 x 5
leg lifts 3 x 10
ring support wings top 3 x 10
van gelders 2 x 10 (7kg)

completely wrecked

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

SEssion 102

good session

3 rds
12 x straddle v snaps
6 x top half press against wall on dumbells
30 sec handstand

straddle press handstand on pipe thing - got some good ones
planche leans on pipe bringing knees back and forth x 5
hspu on pbar x 6

not sure if i missed anything but once again a pretty hard session

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Session 101

tweaked my adductor which is annoying

3 rds
Straddle leg lifts sitting on the ground - freaking hell I am weak at these x 30
Straddle heel raises x 10 with 10 sec hold
3 back lever - 3 front lever - 4 lever swings

3 rds
seated ring lifts x 10
handstand hold on rings
dumbell lateral raises 7kgs x 10 with 5 sec hold

2 rds
muscleup->L->skin the cat->L

Straddle planche attempts with band on hip

will be crazy sore , hard class but good to get back into ring work

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Beach house practice

HSPU aganist wall, with socks on!


Sumo squat stretch . 5mins cumlative

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

session 100

wow, 100 sessions, time flies when you're having fun!

2 rds
vsnaps with hollow roll x 12
weighted heel raises into starddle and back
8 x planch leans from handstand

press to handstand pratice

pivot practice

doesnt seem like much but was a solid class