Friday, March 30, 2012

5 mins skipping

7 rounds
5 x squat cleans @40kg
15 x Pushups

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

5 min skipping

10-1 HSPU
1-10 Strict Pullups

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Squat Cleans
2 x 5@30kg
1 x 5@40kg
1 x 5@50kg
1 x 5@60kg
1 x 5@50kg

Strict bar dips in btween total of 50
AMRAP 20 mins

5 x HSPU (elevated 1 plate)
20 x Walking lunge
1 x rope climb (no legs)
100x skips

6 rds + 5 HSPU

*1st two rounds rope climbs up and down no legs, rest just up

Thursday, March 22, 2012

a bunch of random stuff just to get back into things

squat cleans
2 x 5@50kg - ouch! havent done these for ages

2 x 10 pullups
2 x 5 HSPU elbows pointing back
2 x rope climbs
kettlebell swings

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

20 x Front squat @50kg
20 x HSPU
10 x Muscleup

15 x front squat @50kg
15 x HSPU
9 x Musclup

10 x Front squat @50kg
10 x HSPU
6 x Muscleup

woke up bloody sore!

Friday, March 9, 2012

20 x pullups @4.6kg
20 x Pushups @10kg
20 x Pullups @4.6kg
20 x Pushusp @10kg
10 x Pullups @4.6kg
10 x Pushups@10kg
50 x Squats @20kg

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Power clean @50kg

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3 Rds
500m run
30 x squats
30 x pushups
3 x 5 *barely made last set
HSPU with 11kg Vest

3 x 5
Pullups with 11kg weighted Vets

1 x Muscleup with 11kg vest

3 rds
run 500m
5 x Powercelans @50kg
10 x HSPU
5 x Muscleup